
Gloria Groom

I help with driving the migrant workers to and from events. I also help out with food preparation and serving from time to time. I have enjoyed being a part of this ministry and seeing God at work in the lives of the migrant workers.

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Boris Lum

The Migrant Workers Ministry is so impactful because the Gospel is spoken and presented. We, who live in Delta, BC have been given a gift to be purposely living here so that we can participate in the Migrant Ministry, as the mission field has moved to our literal doorsteps.  There are so many men and women who have come from Mexico and Guatemala to work here, and are in need of friendship, being valued, and are open to listen to the Gospel message.

I am grateful to serve as a driver to bring these people to ministry events and help out with whatever needs to be done to assist Pastor Carlos and his ministry team.


Maggie Rayner

I began teaching English to Mexican and Guatemalan migrant workers in 2009 after Pastor Carlos spoke about the ministry at our church. I also help with driving workers to events and I am a member of the Migrant Workers Ministry committee. It has been a privilege to serve God alongside Pastor Carlos and his family and the other team members. I have been blessed to witness the Holy Spirit at work in and through the lives of both volunteers and migrant workers.


Tim Redekop

I have been volunteering with the Migrant Workers Ministry since 2009. I teach level two of the English program, and I also help to drive workers to and from the events.